#!/usr/bin/env bash # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # This script is executed by GitHub Actions for every successful push (on any branch, PR or not). set -ex function initialize { if [ -z "$TLDRHOME" ]; then export TLDRHOME=${GITHUB_WORKSPACE:-$(pwd)} fi if [ -z "$TLDR_LANG_ARCHIVES_DIRECTORY" ]; then export TLDR_LANG_ARCHIVES_DIRECTORY="${GITHUB_WORKSPACE:-$(pwd)}/language_archives" fi export TLDR_ARCHIVE="tldr.zip" } function build_index { npm run build-index echo "Pages index successfully built." } function build_archive { rm -f "$TLDR_ARCHIVE" cd "$TLDRHOME/" zip -q -r "$TLDR_ARCHIVE" pages* LICENSE.md index.json echo "Pages archive successfully built." } function build_translation_archives { local source_directory="$TLDRHOME" local target_directory="$TLDR_LANG_ARCHIVES_DIRECTORY" mkdir -p "$target_directory" rm -f "$target_directory/*" for lang_dir in "$source_directory"/pages*; do # Skip symlinks (pages.en) and things that are not directories if [ ! -d "$lang_dir" ] || [ -h "$lang_dir" ]; then continue fi local lang=$(basename "$lang_dir") local archive_name="tldr-$lang.zip" # Create the zip archive cd "$lang_dir" zip -q -r "$target_directory/$archive_name" . zip -q -j "$target_directory/$archive_name" "$source_directory/LICENSE.md" echo "Pages archive of $archive_name successfully created." done cd "$target_directory" ln -s tldr-pages.zip tldr-pages.en.zip } ################################### # MAIN ################################### initialize build_index build_archive build_translation_archives