# duckdb > Command-line client for DuckDB, an in-process analytical SQL engine. > More information: . - Start an interactive shell with a transient in-memory database: `duckdb` - Start an interactive shell on a database file. If the file does not exist, a new database is created: `duckdb {{path/to/dbfile}}` - Directly query a CSV, JSON, or Parquet file: `duckdb -c "{{SELECT * FROM 'data_source.[csv|csv.gz|json|json.gz|parquet]'}}"` - Run an SQL script: `duckdb -c ".read {{path/to/script.sql}}"` - Run query on database file and keep the interactive shell open: `duckdb {{path/to/dbfile}} -cmd "{{SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tbl}}"` - Run SQL queries in file on database and keep the interactive shell open: `duckdb {{path/to/dbfile}} -init {{path/to/script.sql}}` - Read CSV from `stdin` and write CSV to `stdout`: `cat {{path/to/source.csv}} | duckdb -c "{{COPY (FROM read_csv('/dev/stdin')) TO '/dev/stdout' WITH (FORMAT CSV, HEADER)}}"` - Display help: `duckdb -help`