# mongorestore > Utility to import a collection or database from a binary dump into a MongoDB instance. - Import a bson data dump from a directory to a MongoDB database: `mongorestore --db {{database_name}} {{path/to/directory}}` - Import a bson data dump from a directory to a given database in a MongoDB server host, running at a given port, with user authentication (user will be prompted for password): `mongorestore --host {{database_host:port}} --db {{database_name}} --username {{username}} {{path/to/directory}} --password` - Import a collection from a bson file to a MongoDB database: `mongorestore --db {{database_name}} {{path/to/file}}` - Import a collection from a bson file to a given database in a MongoDB server host, running at a given port, with user authentication (user will be prompted for password): `mongorestore --host {{database_host:port}} --db {{database_name}} --username {{username}} {{path/to/file}} --password`