# nmap > Network exploration tool and security/port scanner. > Some features only activate when Nmap is run with root privileges. > More information: . - Check if an IP address is up, and guess the remote host's operating system: `nmap -O {{ip_or_hostname}}` - Try to determine whether the specified hosts are up (ping scan) and what their names are: `nmap -sn {{ip_or_hostname}} {{optional_another_address}}` - Also enable scripts, service detection, OS fingerprinting and traceroute: `nmap -A {{address_or_addresses}}` - Scan a specific list of ports (use '-p-' for all ports from 1 to 65535): `nmap -p {{port1,port2,...,portN}} {{address_or_addresses}}` - Perform service and version detection of the top 1000 ports using default NSE scripts; writing results ('-oN') to output file: `nmap -sC -sV -oN {{top-1000-ports.txt}} {{address_or_addresses}}` - Scan target(s) carefully using 'default and safe' NSE scripts: `nmap --script "default and safe" {{address_or_addresses}}` - Scan web server running on standard ports 80 and 443 using all available 'http-*' NSE scripts: `nmap --script "http-*" {{address_or_addresses}} -p 80,443` - Perform a stealthy very slow scan ('-T0') trying to avoid detection by IDS/IPS and use decoy ('-D') source IP addresses: `nmap -T0 -D {{decoy1_ipaddress,decoy2_ipaddress,...,decoyN_ipaddress}} {{address_or_addresses}}`