# ansible > Manage groups of computers remotely over SSH. > Use the `/etc/ansible/hosts` file to add new groups/hosts. > More information: . - List hosts belonging to a group: `ansible {{group}} --list-hosts` - Ping a group of hosts by invoking the ping module: `ansible {{group}} -m ping` - Display facts about a group of hosts by invoking the setup module: `ansible {{group}} -m setup` - Execute a command on a group of hosts by invoking command module with arguments: `ansible {{group}} -m command -a '{{my_command}}'` - Execute a command with administrative privileges: `ansible {{group}} --become --ask-become-pass -m command -a '{{my_command}}'` - Execute a command using a custom inventory file: `ansible {{group}} -i {{inventory_file}} -m command -a '{{my_command}}'` - List the groups in an inventory: `ansible localhost -m debug -a '{{var=groups.keys()}}'`