# aws codeartifact > CLI for AWS CodeArtifact. > CodeArtifact allows you to store artifacts using popular package managers and build tools like Maven, Gradle, npm, Yarn, Twine, pip, NuGet, and SwiftPM. > More information: . - List available domains for your AWS account: `aws codeartifact list-domains` - Generate credentials for a specific package manager (e.g.: npm, pip): `aws codeartifact login --tool {{package_manager}} --domain {{your_domain}} --repository {{repository_name}}` - Get the endpoint URL of a CodeArtifact repository: `aws codeartifact get-repository-endpoint --domain {{your_domain}} --repository {{repository_name}} --format {{npm|pypi|maven|nuget|generic}}` - Show list of all available CodeArtifact commands: `aws codeartifact help` - Display help for specific EC2 subcommand: `aws ec2 {{subcommand}} help`