# nmap > Network exploration tool and security / port scanner. > Some features only activate when Nmap is run with privileges. - Try to determine whether the specified hosts are up and what are their names. `nmap -sn {{ip_or_hostname}} {{optional_another_address}}` - Like above, but also run a default 1000-port TCP scan if host seems up. `nmap {{ip_or_hostname}} {{optional_another_address}}` - Also enable service detection, OS fingerprinting and traceroute. `nmap -A {{address_or_addresses}}` - Assume good network connection and speed up execution: `nmap -T4 {{address_or_addresses}}` - Scan a specific list of ports (use -p- for all ports 1-65535) `nmap -p {{port1,port2,...,portN}} {{address_or_addresses}}` - Perform TCP and UDP scanning (use -sU for UDP only, -sZ for SCTP, -sO for IP): `nmap -sSU {{address_or_addresses}}`