# duperemove > Finds duplicate file system extents and optionally schedule them for deduplication. > An extent is small part of a file inside the file system. > On some file systems one extent can be referenced multiple times, when parts of the content of the files are identical. > More information: . - Search for duplicate extents in a directory and show them: `duperemove -r {{path/to/directory}}` - Deduplicate duplicate extents on a Btrfs or XFS (experimental) file system: `duperemove -r -d {{path/to/directory}}` - Use a hash file to store extent hashes (less memory usage and can be reused on subsequent runs): `duperemove -r -d --hashfile={{path/to/hashfile}} {{path/to/directory}}` - Limit I/O threads (for hashing and dedupe stage) and CPU threads (for duplicate extent finding stage): `duperemove -r -d --hashfile={{path/to/hashfile}} --io-threads={{N}} --cpu-threads={{N}} {{path/to/directory}}`