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Compress/uncompress files with gzip compression (LZ77). More information:

  • Compress a file, replacing it with a gzip archive:

gzip {{path/to/file}}

  • Decompress a file, replacing it with the original uncompressed version:

gzip {{-d|--decompress path/to/file.gz}}

  • Compress a file, keeping the original file:

gzip {{-k|--keep path/to/file}}

  • Compress a file, specifying the output filename:

gzip {{-c|--stdout path/to/file}} > {{path/to/compressed_file.gz}}

  • Decompress a gzip archive specifying the output filename:

gzip {{-c|--stdout}} {{-d|--decompress}} {{path/to/file.gz}} > {{path/to/uncompressed_file}}

  • Specify the compression level. 1 is the fastest (low compression), 9 is the slowest (high compression), 6 is the default:

gzip -{{1..9}} {{-c|--stdout}} {{path/to/file}} > {{path/to/compressed_file.gz}}

  • Display the name and reduction percentage for each file compressed or decompressed:

gzip {{-v|--verbose}} {{-d|--decompress}} {{path/to/file.gz}}