
988 B


Identify and fingerprint Web Application Firewall (WAF) products protecting a website. More information:

  • Check if a website is using any WAF:

wafw00f {{}}

  • Test for [a]ll detectable WAFs without stopping at the first match:

wafw00f --findall {{}}

  • Pass requests through a [p]roxy (such as BurpSuite):

wafw00f --proxy {{http://localhost:8080}} {{}}

  • [t]est for a specific WAF product (run wafw00f -l to get list of all supported WAFs):

wafw00f --test {{Cloudflare|Cloudfront|Fastly|ZScaler|...}} {{}}

  • Pass custom [H]eaders from a file:

wafw00f --headers {{path/to/headers.txt}} {{}}

  • Read target [i]nputs from a file and show verbose output (multiple v for more verbosity):

wafw00f --input {{path/to/urls.txt}} -v{{v}}

  • [l]ist all WAFs that can be detected:

wafw00f --list