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Interact with Hugging Face Hub. Login, manage local cache, download or upload files. More information:

  • Login to Hugging Face Hub:

huggingface-cli login

  • Display the name of the logged in user:

huggingface-cli whoami

  • Log out:

huggingface-cli logout

  • Print information about the environment:

huggingface-cli env

  • Download files from an repository and print out the path (omit filenames to download entire repository):

huggingface-cli download --repo-type {{repo_type}} {{repo_id}} {{filename1 filename2 ...}}

  • Upload an entire folder or a file to Hugging Face:

huggingface-cli upload --repo-type {{repo_type}} {{repo_id}} {{path/to/local_file_or_directory}} {{path/to/repo_file_or_directory}}

  • Scan cache to see downloaded repositories and their disk usage:

huggingface-cli scan-cache

  • Delete the cache interactively:

huggingface-cli delete-cache