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layouts/post Welcome 2018 Freshers to Freeside! Starbeamrainbowlabs 2018-09-17 updates

This is an introductory post to Freeside, a loose group of students who use Linux and want to educate themselves (and others!) about alternative open computing.

How to find us

Our physical space is a new Lab that has been purpose built - the Ritche Lab - which is located next to LTD on the 3rd floor of the Robert Blackburn building. It contains computers running Fedora Linux for all students to use - simply register an account here to get your login credentials. There's more information about our new Lab in our recent blog post!

Our virtual space are the forums - where you can discuss Linux-related topics with other students, get help and support with Linux and Freeside related issues, and even help out with some of our outstanding tasks if you're feeling brave!

In addition, we also have a Discord server, in which most of discussion currently happens. Here's an invite link - it'd be great if you could join us.


This year, we would like to grow Freeside as a group such that it can be self-sustaining in the future. Currently, the group has very few active members, but with the new room and forums we hope to change this by providing a useful place for for both beginners and the more experienced alike to learn about Linux.

We'd also like to do some educational workshops in collaboration with HullCSS to teach valuable Linux-related skills to students. In today's world, having knowledge of Linux gives a competitive edge when starting a career - especially due to its ubiquity in the server world.

Keep an eye on our social media (Twitter, Facebook) for upcoming events!

Help out!

We're always looking for more people to help out. Whether you're an experienced Linux user or just starting out, there are lots of ways that you can contribute! Check out our forums for a list of things that need doing - you're welcome to propose new ideas too!