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CrimsonTome's Blog

My personal blog documenting my journey into open-source development alongside other things.
Created with Zola using the terminimal theme, hosted on my VPS

Repo Size Commit Activity /month Last git commit code style: prettier


  • clone the repo
  • run zola serve when in src/blog/
  • make some changes and watch them update in the browser



  • run zola build when in src/blog (this will only give the right site if your domain matches the base url, Zola is weird like that. serve will work fine)

. . Docker instructions may return in the future . .


See for information on adding to this repository.


Run ./changelog to generate the changelog after your commit, then git add . && git commit --amend --no-edit to generate the changelog
The changelog is available here

License is released under the MIT License. The full license text is included in the LICENSE file in this repository. Tldr legal have a great summary of the license if you're interested.