
749 B


Create, edit, compose, or convert between image formats. ImageMagick version 7+. See convert for versions 6 and below. More information:

  • Convert between image formats:

magick {{path/to/input_image.png}} {{path/to/output_image.jpg}}

  • Resize an image, making a new copy:

magick {{path/to/input_image.jpg}} -resize {{100x100}} {{path/to/output_image.jpg}}

  • Create a GIF out of all JPEG images in the current directory:

magick {{*.jpg}} {{path/to/images.gif}}

  • Create a checkerboard pattern:

magick -size {{640x480}} pattern:checkerboard {{path/to/checkerboard.png}}

  • Create a PDF file out of all JPEG images in the current directory:

magick {{*.jpg}} -adjoin {{path/to/file.pdf}}