
30 lines
995 B

# dwebp
> `dwebp` decompresses WebP files into PNG, PAM, PPM or PGM images.
> Animated WebP files are not supported.
> More information: <>.
- Convert a WebP file into a PNG file:
`dwebp {{path/to/input.webp}} -o {{path/to/output.png}}`
- Convert a WebP file into a specific filetype:
`dwebp {{path/to/input.webp}} -bmp|-tiff|-pam|-ppm|-pgm|-yuv -o {{path/to/output}}`
- Convert a WebP file, using multi-threading if possible:
`dwebp {{path/to/input.webp}} -o {{path/to/output.png}} -mt`
- Convert a WebP file, but also crop and scale at the same time:
`dwebp {{input.webp}} -o {{output.png}} -crop {{x_pos}} {{y_pos}} {{width}} {{height}} -scale {{width}} {{height}}`
- Convert a WebP file and flip the output:
`dwebp {{path/to/input.webp}} -o {{path/to/output.png}} -flip`
- Convert a WebP file and don't use in-loop filtering to speed up the decoding process:
`dwebp {{path/to/input.webp}} -o {{path/to/output.png}} -nofilter`