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Get All URLs: fetch known URLs from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl for any domains. More information:

  • Fetch all URLs of a domain from AlienVault's Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, Common Crawl, and URLScan:

gau {{}}

  • Fetch URLs of multiple domains:

gau {{domain1 domain2 ...}}

  • Fetch all URLs of several domains from an input file, running multiple threads:

gau --threads {{4}} < {{path/to/domains.txt}}

  • Write [o]utput results to a file:

gau {{}} --o {{path/to/found_urls.txt}}

  • Search for URLs from only one specific provider:

gau --providers {{wayback|commoncrawl|otx|urlscan}} {{}}

  • Search for URLs from multiple providers:

gau --providers {{wayback,otx,...}} {{}}

  • Search for URLs within specific date range:

gau --from {{YYYYMM}} --to {{YYYYMM}} {{}}