
37 lines
804 B

# conda
> Package, dependency and environment management for any programming language.
> Homepage: <>.
- Create a new environment, installing named packages into it:
`conda create --name {{environment_name}} {{python=2.7 matplotlib}}`
- List all environments:
`conda info --envs`
- Load or unload an environment:
`conda {{activate|deactivate}} {{environment_name}}`
- Delete an environment (remove all packages):
`conda remove --name {{environment_name}} --all`
- Search conda channels for a package by name:
`conda search {{package_name}}`
- Install packages into the current environment:
`conda install {{python=3.4 numpy}}`
- List currently installed packages in current environment:
`conda list`
- Delete unused packages and caches:
`conda clean --all`