
1.1 KiB


Network scanner for scanning as fast as possible. Best run with elevated privileges. Nmap compatibility run masscan --nmap to find out more. More information:

  • Scan an IP or network subnet for [p]ort 80:

masscan {{ip_address|network_prefix}} --ports {{80}}

  • Scan a class B subnet for the top 100 ports at 100,000 packets per second:

masscan {{}} --top-ports {{100}} --rate {{100000}}

  • Scan a class B subnet avoiding ranges from a specific exclude file:

masscan {{}} --top-ports {{100}} --excludefile {{path/to/file}}

  • Scan the Internet for web servers running on port 80 and 443:

masscan {{}} --ports {{80,443}} --rate {{10000000}}

  • Scan the Internet for DNS servers running on UDP port 53:

masscan {{}} --ports {{U:53}} --rate {{10000000}}

  • Scan the Internet for a specific port range and export to a file:

masscan {{}} --ports {{0-65535}} --output-format {{binary|grepable|json|list|xml}} --output-filename {{path/to/file}}

  • Read binary scan results from a file and output to stdout:

masscan --readscan {{path/to/file}}