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Immich-Go is an open-source tool designed to streamline uploading large photo collections to your self-hosted Immich server. See also: immich-cli. More information:

  • Upload a Google Photos takeout file to Immich server:

immich-go -server={{server_url}} -key={{server_key}} upload {{path/to/}}

  • Import photos captured on June 2019, while auto-generating albums:

immich-go -server={{server_url}} -key={{server_key}} upload -create-albums -google-photos -date={{2019-06}} {{path/to/}}

  • Upload a takeout file using server and key from a config file:

immich-go -use-configuration={{~/.immich-go/immich-go.json}} upload {{path/to/}}

  • Examine Immich server content, remove less quality images, and preserve albums:

immich-go -server={{server_url}} -key={{server_key}} duplicate -yes

  • Delete all albums created with the pattern "YYYY-MM-DD":

immich-go -server={{server_url}} -key={{server_key}} tool album delete {{\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}}}