
923 B


Convert a compressed FIASCO file to a PNM image. More information:

  • Convert a compressed FIASCO file to a PNM file or in the case of video streams multiple PNM files:

fiascotopnm {{path/to/file.fiasco}} -o {{output_file_basename}}

  • Use fast decompression, resulting in a slightly decreased quality of the output file(s):

fiascotopnm --fast {{path/to/file.fiasco}} -o {{output_file_basename}}

  • Load the options to be used from the specified configuration file:

fiascotopnm --config {{path/to/fiascorc}} {{path/to/file.fiasco}} -o {{output_file_basename}}

  • Magnify the decompressed image(s) by a factor of 2^n:

fiascotopnm --magnify {{n}} {{path/to/file.fiasco}} -o {{output_file_basename}}

  • Smooth the decompressed image by the specified amount:

fiascotopnm --smooth {{n}} {{path/to/file.fiasco}} -o {{output_file_basename}}