
872 B


Access Google Cloud Storage. You can use gsutil to do a wide range of bucket and object management tasks. More information:

  • List all buckets in a project you are logged into:

gsutil ls

  • List the objects in a bucket:

gsutil ls -r 'gs://{{bucket_name}}/{{prefix}}**'

  • Download an object from a bucket:

gsutil cp gs://{{bucket_name}}/{{object_name}} {{path/to/save_location}}

  • Upload an object to a bucket:

gsutil cp {{object_location}} gs://{{destination_bucket_name}}/

  • Rename or move objects in a bucket:

gsutil mv gs://{{bucket_name}}/{{old_object_name}} gs://{{bucket_name}}/{{new_object_name}}

  • Create a new bucket in the project you are logged into:

gsutil mb gs://{{bucket_name}}

  • Delete a bucket and remove all the objects in it:

gsutil rm -r gs://{{bucket_name}}