
757 B


A dead simple tool to sign files and verify signatures. More information:

  • Generate a new keypair at the default location:

minisign -G

  • Sign a file:

minisign -Sm {{path/to/file}}

  • Sign a file, adding a trusted (signed) and an untrusted (unsigned) comment in the signature:

minisign -Sm {{path/to/file}} -c "{{Untrusted comment}}" -t "{{Trusted comment}}"

  • Verify a file and the trusted comments in its signature using the specified public key file:

minisign -Vm {{path/to/file}} -p {{path/to/}}

  • Verify a file and the trusted comments in its signature, specifying a public key as a Base64 encoded literal:

minisign -Vm {{path/to/file}} -P "{{public_key_base64}}"