
699 B


Overwrite files to securely delete data. More information:

  • Overwrite a file:

shred {{path/to/file}}

  • Overwrite a file and show progress on the screen:

shred --verbose {{path/to/file}}

  • Overwrite a file, leaving [z]eros instead of random data:

shred --zero {{path/to/file}}

  • Overwrite a file a specific [n]umber of times:

shred --iterations {{25}} {{path/to/file}}

  • Overwrite a file and remove it:

shred --remove {{path/to/file}}

  • Overwrite a file 100 times, add a final overwrite with [z]eros, remove the file after overwriting it and show [v]erbose progress on the screen:

shred -vzun 100 {{path/to/file}}