
719 B


Stream video- or audio-based torrents to a media player.

  • Stream the largest media file in a torrent given as a magnet link:

peerflix "{{magnet:?xt=urn:btih:0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef01234567}}"

  • Stream the largest file in a torrent, given as a torrent URL, to VLC:

peerflix "{{}}" --vlc

  • Stream the largest file in a torrent to MPlayer, with subtitles:

peerflix "{{torrent_url|magnet_link}}" --mplayer --subtitles

  • Stream all files from a torrent to Airplay:

peerflix "{{torrent_url|magnet_link}}" --all --airplay

  • List the files in a torrent that are available for streaming:

peerflix "{{torrent_url|magnet_link}}" --list