
29 lines
788 B

# sacct
> Display accounting data from the Slurm service.
> More information: <>.
- Display job ID, job name, partition, account, number of allocated cpus, job state, and job exit codes for recent jobs:
- Display job ID, job state, job exit code for recent jobs:
`sacct --brief`
- Display the allocations of a job:
`sacct --jobs {{job_id}} --allocations`
- Display elapsed time, job name, number of requested CPUs, and memory requested of a job:
`sacct --jobs {{job_id}} --format=Elapsed,JobName,ReqCPUS,ReqMem`
- Display recent jobs that occurred from one week ago up to the present day:
`sacct --starttime=$(date -d "1 week ago" +'%F')`
- Output a larger number of characters for an attribute:
`sacct --format=JobID,JobName%100`