
894 B

az storage

Manage Azure Cloud Storage resources. Part of azure-cli (also known as az). More information:

  • Create a storage account specifying a [l]ocation:

az storage account create --resource-group {{group_name}} --name {{account_name}} -l {{location}} --sku {{account_sku}}

  • List all storage accounts in a resource group:

az storage account list --resource-group {{group_name}}

  • List the access keys for a storage account:

az storage account keys list --resource-group {{group_name}} --name {{account_name}}

  • Delete a storage account:

az storage account delete --resource-group {{group_name}} --name {{account_name}}

  • Update the minimum tls version setting for a storage account:

az storage account update --min-tls-version {{TLS1_0|TLS1_1|TLS1_2}} --resource-group {{group_name}} --name {{account_name}}