
756 B


Draw, remove, and repair ASCII art boxes. More information:

  • Draw a box around a string:

echo "{{string}}" | boxes

  • [r]emove a box from a string:

echo "{{string}}" | boxes -r

  • Specify the box [d]esign:

echo "{{string}}" | boxes -d {{parchment}}

  • Specify the box [s]ize (in columns by lines):

echo "{{string}}" | boxes -s {{10}}x{{5}}

  • [a]lign the box text [h]orizonally (at [l]eft, [c]enter or [r]ight):

echo "{{string}}" | boxes -a h{{l|c|r}}

  • [a]lign the box text [v]ertically (at [t]op, [c]enter or [b]ottom):

echo "{{string}}" | boxes -a v{{t|c|b}}

  • [j]ustify the box text (at [l]eft, [c]enter or [r]ight):

echo "{{string}}" | boxes -a j{{l|c|r}}{{vt}}