
1.1 KiB

bundletool dump

Manipulate Android Application Bundles. More information:

  • Display the AndroidManifest.xml of the base module:

bundletool dump manifest --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}

  • Display a specific value from the AndroidManifest.xml using XPath:

bundletool dump manifest --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --xpath={{/manifest/@android:versionCode}}

  • Display the AndroidManifest.xml of a specific module:

bundletool dump manifest --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --module={{name}}

  • Display all the resources in the application bundle:

bundletool dump resources --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}

  • Display the configuration for a specific resource:

bundletool dump resources --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --resource={{type/name}}

  • Display the configuration and values for a specific resource using the ID:

bundletool dump resources --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}} --resource={{0x7f0e013a}} --values

  • Display the contents of the bundle configuration file:

bundletool dump config --bundle={{path/to/bundle.aab}}