
822 B


Lightweight image viewing utility. More information:

  • View images locally or using a URL:

feh {{path/to/images}}

  • View images recursively:

feh --recursive {{path/to/images}}

  • View images without window borders:

feh --borderless {{path/to/images}}

  • Exit after the last image:

feh --cycle-once {{path/to/images}}

  • Use a specific slideshow cycle delay:

feh --slideshow-delay {{seconds}} {{path/to/images}}

  • Use a specific wallpaper mode (centered, filled, maximized, scaled or tiled):

feh --bg-{{center|fill|max|scale|tile}} {{path/to/image}}

  • Create a montage of all images within a directory, outputting as a new image:

feh --montage --thumb-height {{150}} --thumb-width {{150}} --index-info "{{%nn%wx%h}}" --output {{path/to/montage_image.png}}