
714 B


Convert a PBM image to a ESC/P2 printer file. See also: pbmtoepson, escp2topbm. More information:

  • Convert a PBM image to a ESC/P2 printer file:

pbmtoescp2 {{path/to/image.pbm}} > {{path/to/output.escp2}}

  • Specify the compression of the output:

pbmtoescp2 -compression {{0|1}} {{path/to/image.pbm}} > {{path/to/output.escp2}}

  • Specify the horizontal and vertical resolution of the output in dots per inch:

pbmtoescp2 -resolution {{180|360|720}} {{path/to/image.pbm}} > {{path/to/output.escp2}}

  • Place a formfeed command at the end of the output:

pbmtoescp2 -formfeed {{path/to/image.pbm}} > {{path/to/output.escp2}}