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Versatile PDF transformation software. More information:

  • Extract pages 1-3, 5 and 6-10 from a PDF file and save them as another one:

qpdf --empty --pages {{path/to/input.pdf}} {{1-3,5,6-10}} -- {{path/to/output.pdf}}

  • Merge (concatenate) all the pages of multiple PDF files and save the result as a new PDF:

qpdf --empty --pages {{path/to/file1.pdf file2.pdf ...}} -- {{path/to/output.pdf}}

  • Merge (concatenate) given pages from a list of PDF files and save the result as a new PDF:

qpdf --empty --pages {{path/to/file1.pdf}} {{1,6-8}} {{path/to/file2.pdf}} {{3,4,5}} -- {{path/to/output.pdf}}

  • Write each group of n pages to a separate output file with a given filename pattern:

qpdf --split-pages={{n}} {{path/to/input.pdf}} {{path/to/out_%d.pdf}}

  • Rotate certain pages of a PDF with a given angle:

qpdf --rotate={{90:2,4,6}} --rotate={{180:7-8}} {{path/to/input.pdf}} {{path/to/output.pdf}}

  • Remove the password from a password-protected file:

qpdf --password={{password}} --decrypt {{path/to/input.pdf}} {{path/to/output.pdf}}