
645 B


Fix errors in PAM, PBM, PGM and PPM files. See also: pamfile, pamvalidate. More information:

  • Fix a Netpbm file that is missing its last part:

pamfix -truncate {{path/to/corrupted.ext} > {{path/to/output.ext}}

  • Fix a Netpbm file where pixel values exceed the image's maxval by lowering the offending pixels' values:

pamfix -clip {{path/to/corrupted.ext}} > {{path/to/output.ext}}

  • Fix a Netpbm file where pixel values exceed the image's maxval by increasing it:

pamfix -changemaxval {{path/to/corrupted.pam|pbm|pgm|ppm}} > {{path/to/output.pam|pbm|pgm|ppm}}