
967 B


ABRoot utility provides full immutability and atomicity by transacting between 2 root partition states (A⟺B). It also allows on-demand transactions via a transactional shell. More information:

  • Output the current or future root partition state:

sudo abroot get {{present|future}}

  • Enter the transactional shell in the future root partition and switch root on the next boot:

sudo abroot shell

  • Execute a specific command in the transactional shell in the future root partition and switch to it on the next boot:

sudo abroot exec "{{command}}"

  • Install specific packages in the host inside the transactional shell in the future root partition and switch to it on the next boot:

sudo abroot exec apt install {{package1 package2 ...}}

  • Update the boot partition (for advanced users only):

sudo abroot _update-boot

  • Display help:

abroot --help

  • Display version:

abroot --version