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MuPDF is a lightweight PDF, XPS, and E-book viewer. More information:

  • Open a PDF on the first page:

mupdf {{filename}}

  • Open a PDF on page 3:

mupdf {{filename}} {{3}}

  • Open a password secured PDF:

mupdf -p {{password}} {{filename}}

  • Open a PDF with an initial zoom level, specified as DPI, of 72:

mupdf -r {{72}} {{filename}}

  • Open a PDF with inverted color:

mupdf -I {{filename}}

  • Open a PDF tinted red #FF0000 (hexadecimal color syntax RRGGBB):

mupdf -C {{FF0000}}

  • Open a PDF without anti-aliasing (0 = off, 8 = best):

mupdf -A {{0}}