
730 B


Typesetting processor for the groff (GNU Troff) document fomatting system. See also groff. More information:

  • Format output for a PostScript printer, saving the output to a file:

troff {{path/to/input.roff}} | grops > {{path/to/}}

  • Format output for a PostScript printer using the [me] macro package, saving the output to a file:

troff -{{me}} {{path/to/input.roff}} | grops > {{path/to/}}

  • Format output as [a]SCII text using the [man] macro package:

troff -T {{ascii}} -{{man}} {{path/to/input.roff}} | grotty

  • Format output as a [pdf] file, saving the output to a file:

troff -T {{pdf}} {{path/to/input.roff}} | gropdf > {{path/to/output.pdf}}