
30 lines
867 B

# d2
> A modern diagram scripting language that turns text to diagrams.
> Note: the output file supports SVG and PNG file formats.
> More information: <>.
- Compile and render a D2 source file into an output file:
`d2 {{path/to/input_file.d2}} {{path/to/output_file.ext}}`
- [w]atch live changes made to a D2 source file in the default web browser:
`d2 --watch {{path/to/input_file.d2}} {{path/to/output_file.ext}}`
- Format a D2 source file:
`d2 fmt {{path/to/input_file.d2}}`
- List available themes:
`d2 themes`
- Use a different [t]heme for the output file (list available themes first to get the desired `theme_id`):
`d2 --theme {{theme_id}} {{path/to/input_file.d2}} {{path/to/output_file.ext}}`
- Make rendered diagrams look like hand [s]ketches:
`d2 --sketch true {{path/to/input_file.d2}} {{path/to/output_file.ext}}`