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gnmic subscribe

Subscribe to a gnmic network device state updates. More information:

  • Subscribe to target state updates under the subtree of a specific path:

gnmic --address {{ip:port}} subscribe --path {{path}}

  • Subscribe to a target with a sample interval of 30s (default is 10s):

gnmic -a {{ip:port}} subscribe --path {{path}} --sample-interval 30s

  • Subscribe to a target with sample interval and updates only on change:

gnmic -a {{ip:port}} subscribe --path {{path}} --stream-mode on-change --heartbeat-interval 1m

  • Subscribe to a target for only one update:

gnmic -a {{ip:port}} subscribe --path {{path}} --mode once

  • Subscribe to a target and specify response encoding (json_ietf):

gnmic -a {{ip:port}} subscribe --path {{path}} --encoding json_ietf