mirror of https://github.com/CrimsonTome/tldr.git
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738 B
Dockerfile linter. More information: https://github.com/hadolint/hadolint.
- Lint a Dockerfile:
hadolint {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
- Lint a Dockerfile, displaying the output in JSON format:
hadolint --format {{json}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
- Lint a Dockerfile, displaying the output in a specific format:
hadolint --format {{tty|json|checkstyle|codeclimate|codacy}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
- Lint a Dockerfile ignoring specific rules:
hadolint --ignore {{DL3006}} --ignore {{DL3008}} {{path/to/Dockerfile}}
- Lint multiple Dockerfiles using specific trusted registries:
hadolint --trusted-registry {{docker.io}} --trusted-registry {{example.com}}:{{5000}} {{path/to/Dockerfile1 path/to/Dockerfile2 ...}}