
34 lines
644 B

# qmmp
> An audio player with an interface similar to Winamp or XMMS.
> See also: `clementine`, `ncmpcpp`, `cmus`.
> More information: <>.
- Launch the GUI:
- Start or stop the currently playing audio:
`qmmp --play-pause`
- Seek [f]or[w]ar[d]s or [b]ack[w]ar[d]s a specific amount of time in seconds:
`qmmp --seek-{{fwd|bwd}} {{time_in_seconds}}`
- Play the next audio file:
`qmmp --next`
- Play the previous audio file:
`qmmp --previous`
- Display the current volume:
`qmmp --volume-status`
- [inc]rease or [dec]rease the volume of the currently playing audio by 5%:
`qmmp --volume-{{inc|dec}}`