
693 B


An efficient statistical file compressor. More information:

  • Compress a file:

bzip3 {{path/to/file_to_compress}}

  • Decompress a file:

bzip3 -d {{path/to/compressed_file.bz3}}

  • Decompress a file to standard output:

bzip3 -dc {{path/to/compressed_file.bz3}}

  • Test the integrity of each file inside the archive file:

bzip3 --test {{path/to/compressed_file.bz3}}

  • Show the compression ratio for each file processed with detailed information:

bzip3 --verbose {{path/to/compressed_files.bz3}}

  • Decompress a file overwriting existing files:

bzip3 --force {{path/to/compressed_file.bz3}}

  • Display help:

bzip3 -h