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  • The Yellow Book - A fantastic intro to C# from former Hull Lecturer, Rob Miles. He also has other publications available here.
  • Two Decades of C#: A Reference - A reference of which C# version introduced which features. Linked is the first blog; later versions are covered under later blogs.



  • D Sharp Plus - An unofficial .NET wrapper for the Discord API



  • RealPython - Python tutorials.
  • Python Turtles - The turtle library is a great way for beginners to explore Python.
  • PyCharm - Popular IDE for Python developers.

Static site generators



Coding Practice

  • Kattis - Programming problems to help you improve your skills. Compete against staff/students.
  • Code Academy - Improve your programming knowledge.

Competitive Programming

  • Codechef - A platform for participating in coding contests and also learn new Algorithms and Data Structures. They have a set of challenges every month for competitive coding.
  • Codeforces - A widely used platform where top programmers compete. There are various contests every week.
  • HackerRank - A good learning resource with paths and problems to get into the world of programming.
  • Interview Bit - A platform to learn and practice coding interview questions. Has learning paths for various roles as well.
  • Leetcode - A great platform for mastering Data Structures and Algorithms. An essential part of the preparation for SDE interviews.
  • DMOJ - An Archive of great coding problems. Also there are contest on this site.
  • CSES - A problem set renowned to be a one set package for getting ready for competitive programming.
  • CP Algorithms - A collection of important algorithms written in C++.
  • Atcoder - AtCoder is a programming contest site for anyone from beginners to experts.
  • TopCoder - All in one site for CP , ML/AI , Development
  • SPOJ - Beginner friendly website for CP
  • HackerEarth - Great free-site for Development and Coding
  • Codedrills - Best site for ACM-ICPC Mock Rounds (Indian Regionals and Prelims)
  • USACO - American Website for CP

Mathematics and Programming

  • ProjectEuler - Best site for Maths Problems which are easily solved using programming.
  • Erdos - IIT Roorkee's Maths Practice site.
  • Maths-Stackexchange - Ask and Answer maths questions
  • Mathometer - Maths Website from an IIT Bombay senior
  • MathBlog - Good Reading blog for Maths.

Machine Learning

Useful Codeforces Blogs