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  1. Introduction
  2. Hull University Resources
  3. Hull Resources (Non University)
  4. Business/Career
  5. Services
  6. Software
  7. Programming
  8. Ethics, Law & Professionalism
  9. Learning Resources
  10. Linux Distributions
  11. Electronics
  12. Hypervisors and virtual machines
  13. Cyber Security Resources
  14. Other Interesting Stuff


  1. Values and Societal Norms
  2. Islanders change spouses whenever they want, have dedicated 'love huts' and settle their differences over a game of cricket
  3. An eye for an eye? The morality of punishment.
  4. How the 'Original Internet Godfather' walked away from his cybercrime past
  5. Call us immediately if your child uses Kali Linux says West Mids Police
  6. Jeffrey Paul: Your Computer isn't yours
  7. Does Apple really log every app you run?
  8. I asked Tinder for my data. It sent me 800 pages of my deepest, darkest secrets.
  9. A hacker got all my texts for $16
  10. Your period tracking app could be sharing intimate details with all of facebook
  11. Shaping the Future of Connected Policing
  12. Enabling Digital Policing: Computacenter and VMware
  13. NSA Files Decoded: Snowden's surveillance revelations explained
  14. Surveillance Technologies under review
  15. I don't know how to count that low - Dismissing smaller problems doesn't mean they don't exist or that they don't need solving.
  16. Hackers turning to exotic programming languages
  17. Don't talk to Police - An American Law School lecture with a police officer in attendance exploring why it is never a good idea to talk to police.
  18. Right to be offended does not exist - High Court Judge - High court Judge on why the right to be offended does not exist.

Professionalism & Standards

  1. W3 - Standards for web design and applications, devices, architecture, XML, web services and other technology. guide-to-data-protection/guide-to-the-general-data-protection-regulation-gdpr/)
  2. Government overview of Data Protection
  3. The Chartered Institute for IT
  4. GDPR Compliance Checklist
  5. ICO Guide to GDPR
  6. ICO Children's Code
  7. Code of Practice for Consumer IoT Security
  8. ETSI Industry standard Code of Practice
  9. Electronic Communications Code


  1. Actus Reus - The Act (Physical)
  2. Mens Rea - The Intent (Mental)
  3. Ignorantia juris non excusat - Ignorance of the law is no excuse.

Computing Specific Laws

  1. Computer Misuse Act 1990
  2. Data Protection Act 2018
  3. Investigatory Powers Act 2016 | Read more heres
  4. Malicious Communications Act 1988

Online Harms Bill

  1. Online Harms White Paper - Government Response

  2. Online Harms White Paper

  3. Online Harms Bill Press Release

  4. Parliamentary Committee - Online Harms Bill

The Product Security and Telecommunications Infrastructure (PSTI) Bill

  1. Factsheet
  2. Secure by Design 2.1 Secure By Design Report
  3. Regulating consumer smart product cyber security - government response
  4. Consultation on regulatory proposals on consumer IoT Security
  5. New Cyber Laws to Protect People's personal tech from hackers
  6. Huge fines and a ban on default passwords in new UK law