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  1. Introduction
  2. Contributing
  3. Student Discount/Free Stuff
  4. Hull University Related
  5. Hull Related
  6. Business/Career
  7. Services
  8. Software
  9. Programming
  10. Law and Standards
  11. Learning Resources
  12. Linux Distributions
  13. Hypervisors and virtual machines
  14. Cyber Security Resources
  15. Other Interesting Stuff
  16. Andrew Hancock, Department of Computer Science & Technology - Systems

Programming List

  1. - Multi platform applications, one code base.
  2. D Sharp Plus - An unofficial .NET wrapper for the Discord API
  3. The Yellow Book - A fantastic intro to C# from former Hull Lecturer, Rob Miles. He also has other publications available here.
  4. Kattis - Programming problems to help you improve your skills. Compete against staff/students.
  5. Code Academy - Improve your programming knowledge.
  6. DevDocs - Searchable developer docs
  7. Aweomesheet - CSS Generator]
  8. Two Decades of C#: A Reference - A reference of which C# version introduced which features. Linked is the first blog; later versions are covered under later blogs.
  9. - Learn about design patterns and refactoring.