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  11. Linux Distributions
  12. Hypervisors and virtual machines
  13. Cyber Security Resources
  14. Other Interesting Stuff
  15. Andrew Hancock, Department of Computer Science & Technology - Systems

Cyber Security List


Hacking without authorisation is illegal.

Links to these materials are provided for reference only. You should not engage in illegal acts. Freeside will report malicious hacking to the University.

  1. Hackersploit (Youtube Channel) - 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  2. Capture the Flag Playlist. 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  3. Metasploit Introduction Playlist. 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  4. Ethical Hacking Introduction Playlist. 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  5. Python3 for Penetration Testing Playlist 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  6. Hunchly - The Only Web Capture Tool Designed For Online Investigations.
  7. Have I Been Pwned
  8. Authy
  9. GCHQ Cyberchef
  10. DuckDuckGo Smarter Encryption
  11. CIS Benchmarking - Benchmarking tools to protect your environment
  12. Cyber Essentials Certificaton
  13. Privacy Tools
  14. - community-oriented database leak community that is a useful tool for security researchers.
  15. h8mail - Email OSINT & Password breach hunting tool, locally or using premium services. Supports chasing down related email
  16. TryHackMe - is an online platform for learning cyber security, using hands-on exercises and labs!
  17. Awesome OSINT - List of OSINT Tools and resources
  18. Dark Reading - Cyber Security News.
  19. Data Breach Today - Data Breach News.
  20. Help Net Security - Cyber Security News.
  21. Hackaday - New hacks every day & interesting projects.
  22. Infosec Institute - Info sec best practices & updates.
  23. Wireshark Packet Analysis
  24. SSL Labs - Test the HTTPS configuration of your web server online
  25. - TLS configuration tester like SSL Labs, but runs locally