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This list consists of resources which have been useful whilst studying Computer Science at the University of Hull or in learning/administering Linux systems. I have also included other resources related to student discounts, career improvement, electronics and programming.


  1. On the Hub - Free software for University of Hull Students
  2. Github Student Pack.
  3. Azure for Students.
  4. - Great if you want to have email on your own domain cheaply.
  5. Math Talks to Blow Your Mind Playlist
  6. Data Structures Playlist.
  7. Harvard CS50x (CS50 Youtube Channel) 7.1. Harvard CS50 2018 Lectures Playlist. 7.2. Harvard CS50 for Lawyers Playlist.
  8. NullByte (Youtube Channel).
  9. NumberPhile (Youtube Channel).
  10. Learn Electronics (Youtube Channel).
  11. Hackersploit (Youtube Channel) - 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  12. Computerphile (Youtube Channel).
  13. Docker's Official Youtube.
  14. Capture the Flag Playlist. 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  15. Metasploit Introduction Playlist. 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  16. Ethical Hacking Introduction Playlist. 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  17. Python3 for Penetration Testing Playlist 'hacking' without permission is illegal. Don't act without written consent.
  18. Brian Tompsett Youtube Channel. Brian is a lecturer at University of Hull and has a long list of published works.
  19. The Yellow Book - A fantastic intro to C# from former Hull Lecturer, Rob Miles. He also has other publications available here.
  20. Rob Miles Youtube .
  21. CSBlogs - A collection of blogs from UoH staff, alumni and current students.
  22. Github Pages
  23. Gitlab
  24. Matomo - Self hosted Google Analytics alternative.
  25. Wekan - Opensource Kanban.
  26. Kattis - Programming problems to help you improve your skills. Compete against staff/students.
  27. Code Academy - Improve your programming knowledge.
  28. Atom Editor
  29. Jetbrains Editors
  30. Postman
  31. For Entrepreneurs Only - Headquartered on UoH campus providing business mentoring and support.
  32. C4Di (Hull Based)
  33. Google Campus
  34. Barclays Eagle Labs
  35. Connected Humber Hardware Meetups
  36. Hull Central Library Makerspace
  37. The Awesome Self-Hosted List - a list of open source projects which can be self-hosted. The list comprises an amazing range of fascinating tools and projects. Thanks to @starbeamrainbowlabs for pointing it out.